Order Form
Email address:
Mobile No:
Receiver’s Name:
Mobile No:
Shipping Address:
Item code / Colour / Quantity / Price / Amount
Item code / Colour / Quantity / Price / Amount
Item code / Colour / Quantity / Price / Amount
Item code / Colour / Quantity / Price / Amount
Item code / Colour / Quantity / Price / Amount
Item code / Colour / Quantity / Price / Amount
Item code / Colour / Quantity / Price / Amount
Item code / Colour / Quantity / Price / Amount
Postage: RM _____
Total Amount: RM _____
Send in the order form, and wait for my confirmation on the total amount.
After the confirmation, kindly make payment (cash deposit or internet banking) to the either of the bank accounts below and email transaction details / slip to
Account details will be given to you via email.
Once you've done with the payment immediately notify me via email the below information.
Your name
Your e-mail (e-mail you use to communicate with us regarding to your order)
Which bank you made payment to
Date & time of payment made
* Payment slip is optional but we encourage you to provide us a copy.
For International Orders
For all International orders, currently we accept Western Union payment. Please talk to us to get the full shipping fee, then pay the full amount (total order) in RM currency and notify us. Email us for our details needed to make payment through Western Union.
Full Name
Amount Transferred (With currency)
Your contact number
Country, City, State/Province of Origin
Money Transfer Control Number (MTCN)